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US Navy Installs World's First Unmanned Air Warfare Center on CVN-77

Photo Credit The first installation of the Unmanned Air Warfare Center (UAWC) aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), where air vehicle pilots will control future MQ-25™ Stingray airborne operations - U.S. Navy photo

The U.S. Navy has achieved a significant milestone in its advancement of unmanned aviation by installing the world’s first Unmanned Air Warfare Center (UAWC) aboard the USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77). This development marks a new era in naval aviation, where Air Vehicle Pilots (AVPs) will control the operations of the MQ-25 Stingray, the Navy’s first carrier-based unmanned aerial refueling aircraft.

The installation of the UAWC represents the culmination of a multi-year effort, coordinated across various ship availability periods and the carrier’s deployment schedule. The UAWC integrates the Unmanned Carrier Aviation Mission Control System (UMCS) MD-5E Ground Control Station (GCS), essential for the command and control of the MQ-25. This system, developed with Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works®, is critical to the Navy's future operational capabilities.

The integration of the UAWC involved coll...

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