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Decoding the J-36, Speculations on China's 6th-Gen Fighter/Bomber

Photo Credit The J-36 #36011 prototype was photographed over Chengdu during its maiden flight on December 26, 2024

The unveiling of China's J-36 aircraft has taken the defense and aerospace communities by storm. Initially, the concept of a 6th-generation fighter seemed a distant ambition, hinting at revolutionary technologies and radically new combat roles. However, the J-36 has emerged with sophistication and boldness, quickly establishing itself as a game changer in air combat.

One of the most striking features of the J-36 is its tailless, flying wing design, which provides a lower radar signature, enhancing stealth capabilities. While flying wings typically face aerodynamic stability challenges, the J-36 appears to have overcome these by incorporating advanced thrust vectoring technology (3D TVC), enabling precise high-altitude maneuvers without relying on traditional control surfaces like tail fins. Its speculated supercruise capability—sustained high speeds without afterburners—preser...

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